Violet Wolford's Diary

Wolford, Violet, Handwritten Diary, 1918. (Offered for sale on Ebay)

October 9th,

My precious vous,

Am sick today. Afraid of influenza. Didn’t go to Jackson. They may fire me but can’t help it. Wrote F. M. worked arithmetic and fixed my exp book. All by myself this P.M. Mama and Tom were at the hall and dad at brother Busby’s, but he’s just come in. German peace proposal refused. Yanks capture Cambrar. Found out that Bob is well but quarantined. There are 800 cases in B’ham and 400 in Pratt. It’s awful. Gen. Sibert’s wife a victim. A month ago tonight I was in B’ham and Joe was leaving. Seems longer then that. F. M. said he was there the past weekend. Expect he’ll be there a good many times. That I won’t. Tonight a year ago we were at the fair. Oh! Its closed as well as school and public places in B’ham……..”